Ahhh Thailand, my favorite place to travel and relax, especially during winter. It was my fifth time visiting there and this time I went with my best friend!
I had lost of good times, good food, good memories and can't wait to visit again in the near future.
Of course as usual I packed so many options to wear while I'm there but only got to wear a few of them, and wore certain items multiple times. I also had one of those vacations where I wasn't really focused on documenting what I was wearing, which I really regret. From now on, I will make sure to at least get a good mirror pic of my vacation outfits, because they need to be seen!

I will always run to AliExpress for a good swimsuit. There are some from there that I have had for over 3 years! The necklace is vintage, I bought from a vintage jewelry collector in Japan. Cant wait to find new ways to wear it with all types of looks!

It was my first time staying over in Phi Phi island and honestly it was one of the highlights of my trip. We had a nice hotel, and got to enjoy the nightlife on the island which included a huge pool party and fire show!

I am really thankful for the amount of travel I did this year, it was probably my most traveled year Ive ever had in my life, and I can honestly say it was amazing but very tiring. A lot of time, money and effort goes into planning trips and so I think I will have a break from traveling for a
while, until my next big trip. I wonder where I'll be going next...